Europe Calling “Climate policy in the Energy Price Trap – How climate protection & affordable energy go together”

Dear friends & all that are interested,

We are experiencing another price crisis of fossil energies and a mismanaged and delayed energy transition. The enormous increase in energy prices all over Europe is causing many people great concern. Many are wondering how they are going to pay for the next electricity or gas bill. Often, the first reaction is to blame the CO2 price and other climate protection measures, even though it only accounts for a few percent of energy prices, so far.

But why exactly are energy prices rising seemingly inexorably this autumn and winter? What do climate protection measures really have to do with it, and what the Corona crisis and geopolitical conflicts? How should we politically enforce EU emissions trading and energy taxes when people are afraid of rising prices anyway? And how can we ensure that energy remains affordable, even for those who have little money, given the urgent need for climate protection measures?

We will talk about this in our next webinar with one of the world’s leading experts on CO2 pricing and effective but socially acceptable climate protection, Professor Ottmar Edenhofer.

Ottmar Edenhofer is Director and Chief Economist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research as well as Director of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change and Professor of the Economics and Politics of Climate Change at Technical University Berlin.

Date: Tuesday, 23.11.2021, 8:00 p.m. CET

The webinar will be held in German and simultaneously interpreted into English.

Please, join yourself and invite others to join in!

With European greetings,

MEPS Sven Giegold, Jutta Paulus and Michael Bloss