Climate & Energy

Three years ago, the EU played a major role in the Paris Agreement – it is time to bring that to life! After all, the goals set are still far too low to meet the international law obligations from this agreement. The historical emissions of the EU are not even taken into account. The brakes and procrastinators are numerous and noisy – but every day that we let go of climate protection goes to waste our children and grandchildren. The technological possibilities are there, and even cheaper than ever. With an investment boost – in clean energy and intelligent mobility, in durable products and sustainable buildings – we can create good work and added value in Europe instead of spending hundreds of billions of euros annually on heating up the atmosphere and the profits of arms producers. In most of the countries from which we import oil and gas, none of us would want to live. It is also a contribution to peace policy if the wars for raw materials are not further fueled.

Nuclear Energy Myths

Myth 3: Phasing out fossil fuels is not possible without nuclear power. Wrong. Results of the Greens/EFA study (2022) confirm that a very ambitious energy transition towards 100% renewable energies by 2040 is technically feasible and economically viable.

Letter to IEA: More cooperation on methane!

Together with several Members of the European Parliament and the US House of Representatives, I am calling on the International […]

EU methane regulation adopted

On April 10th 2024 the European Parliament adopted the agreement reached in negotiations with the Commission and Member States for […]

MEPs set to approve agreement on methane emission reduction in energy sector

Tomorrow, Members of the European Parliament will vote on the agreement on the EU Methane Regulation. With this regulation, the […]


The World Climate Summit (COP28) ends with a breakthrough towards phasing out oil, coal and gas in energy systems. The […]

Climate Conference COP28: Show the courage to end the fossil age!

The year 2023 marks another year in which the world has experienced ever more floods, storms, heat waves and droughts, […]