PRESS RELEASE: COVID19 certificates facilitate mutual recognition of tests and vaccinations in the EU
PRESS RELEASE, Wednesday, 17th of March 2021 – Brussels
COVID19 certificates facilitate mutual recognition of tests and vaccinations in the EU
The European Commission has just presented its proposal for a regulation for Covid19 certificates. The regulations concern the verification and mutual recognition of information on vaccination, testing and a possible recovery status as well as requirements for the issuers of the certificates. Some EU member states had previously called for “vaccination passports” for tourism purposes.
Pharmacist and Green MEP Jutta Paulus comments:
„The introduction of common rules for documenting vaccination, testing and recovery status is long overdue. These digital certificates should not be limited to COVID19 and the pandemic, but should lead into the new EU vaccination certificate planned for 2022. However, the freedom to choose between the digital solution and the paper version must be maintained.
I will advocate for improvements on several points where the Commission proposal does not yet or not sufficiently take into account scientific findings. It is problematic that the Commission proposal equates rapid tests and PCR tests and makes a blanket assumption of recovery within 20 days of the first positive PCR test. Likewise, it is still unclear whether vaccinated persons cannot nevertheless transmit the disease. However, it is positive that the Commission clarifies that the “Digital Green Pass” must not be made a prerequisite for cross-border traffic.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation must also apply to patient data. It is good that the certificate should only contain the most necessary personal data and that strict requirements are imposed on the issuing bodies. I expect the European Commission and the member states to ensure that airlines, hotels and other commercial players, as well as government agencies, do not store sensitive data and that infringements are consistently prosecuted.”
COVID19-Certificate: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/en_green_certif_just_reg130_final.pdf
Planned EU health certificate for 2022: