EU Taxonomy: Overwhelming public support for our Objection against the Greenwashing of Nuclear and Gas
Wow and thank you! I have received over 18.000 letters from citizens all over Europe in the last two weeks clearly opposing the Greenwashing of nuclear power and gas. This incredible support gives hope for achieving the necessary majority against the Second Delegated Act of the EU Taxonomy. Tomorrow morning, Tuesday 14th of June, the Environment and the Economy Committees will vote on the Objection against the Commission proposal. It will be very, very close!
Despite Germany’s nuclear phase-out, by far not all German MEPs want to vote against the Second Delegated Act. Also in other member countries, many colleagues are still undecided. Many, because of spreading misinformation on the topic. Tomorrow’s vote is not about banning technologies, but about establishing a clear rulebook on Green investments. Therefore my request: Stay loud and express your opposition against a green label for gas and nuclear power to your MEPs!
After tomorrow’s vote in the Environment and Economic Affairs Committees, the European Parliament will vote on the Objection to the Delegated Act and in July, the grand finale will take place in Strasbourg. In the plenary of the European Parliament, the Objection to the Delegated Act will be voted on between 4 and 7 July. We need an absolute majority of MEPs!
Nuclear power and gas are not sustainable, never will be and therefore must not be given a green label! It is unbelievable that the European Commission wants to declare these technologies as alleged “transitional technologies”. This would divert money that we urgently need for energy efficiency measures and the expansion of renewables into projects that would chain us to fossil-nuclear imports for decades. Not for nothing have Russian corporations in particular lobbied massively for the inclusion of nuclear and gas, as Greenpeace has found out (https://www.greenpeace.de/klimaschutz/energiewende/atomausstieg/eu-taxonomie-russischem-wunsch ). Energy transition and energy sovereignty look different. Europe’s future must be based on energy efficiency and renewable energies!