PRESS RELEASE: EU-Energy Minsiter: Nuclear power to be washed green

PRESS RELEASE, Monday, June 15th – Brussels

EU-Energy Minister: Nuclear power to be washed green
The EU energy ministers start their Council meeting today; The topic is the recovery plan for the energy sector after the Covid 19 pandemic. Pressure from some Member States has removed the word “safe” from the draft Council decision. The aim is to classify nuclear power as a sustainable energy source. 
Green MEP Jutta Paulus comments:

“It’s hard to believe: nuclear power is once again to be made socially acceptable through the back door. After France already wanted to make changes afterwards in the negotiations on taxonomy, i.e. the setting of criteria for sustainable investment, efforts are now being made to save the nuclear industry from decline. It is particularly perfidious that the energy ministers want to delete the safety aspect for this. Nuclear power is neither safe nor sustainable!

The Federal Republic of Germany, in particular, which decided to phase out nuclear power, must not sacrifice the security of European citizens to the interests of the nuclear lobby. I expect Mr. Altmaier to say no to this Council decision and to work towards a reform of the EURATOM Treaty and a Europe-wide nuclear phase-out within the framework of the German Council Presidency.”

Jutta Paulus is available for questions and interviews.
Preliminary Council conclusions EU Energy Minister: