PRESS RELEASE: Finally: No more ghost flights!
PRESS RELEASE, Tuesday, 10th March 2020 – Brussels
Finally: No more ghost flights!
The European Commission has just announced that airlines no longer have to use booked take-off and landing slots to at least 80% in order to retain their entitlement to use the airport in question. This rule meant that airlines had to operate flights with empty aircraft even though passenger flights had been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic (“use it or lose it” requirement).
Green MEP Jutta Paulus comments:
„Finally: The Commission puts an end to the irrational practice of forced ghost flights. This is about more than just relieving the burden on airlines; it is also about climate protection. I expect the European Commission to ensure that the legislative changes announced will also apply to normal flight operations to Covid-19. Because even without a pandemic, there are far too many empty flights.”