Barred warblers are not mosquitoes, but a bird species found mainly in eastern Germany. Because barred warblers have very specific habitat requirements, they are rare. The males build several nests […]
The green toad has a special characteristic: it can change its appearance depending on the colour of its surroundings and become lighter or darker. This makes the toad difficult to […]
Synanthedon cephiformis are small butterflies whose appearance is less reminiscent of a butterfly than of a wasp. This form of imitation is called mimicry. Synanthedon cephiformis also imitate the behaviour […]
The Black Swan originally comes from Australia. In the meantime, abandoned and escaped animals have developed into a self-sustaining small population. With its elegant swan’s neck and black plumage, it […]
Today we introduce you to the hermit. His german name Berghexe means Mountain witch in english. A butterfly that appears next to you out of nowhere and can scare you […]
“Salmon? Oh, yummy!” That’s certainly what many people think. But since salmon was the most important species of fish in the Rhine and its tributaries until the end of the […]
A heated discussion is raging about the Rhine houting. It is extinct worldwide; however, a closely related species of houting has been bred by the Danish Ministry of Fisheries since […]
The nodding waternymph grows where the water mermaids live, according to an Austrian legend. Unfortunately, the mermaids seem to have emigrated in the 1970s. Since then, there have been nodding […]
The Silene linicola is a typical weed in flax fields. The German Word Flachsnelke means Flax Carnation in englisch. Flax was cultivated throughout Germany until after the Second World War, […]

With their orange-red underside and heart-shaped pupils, the males of the fire-bellied toad are hard to miss all year round, but they are at their best during the mating season […]