species of the week #34 -Scopula caricaria
The scopula caricaria is a moths, that, like five other species of its genus, almost unnoticed in Rhineland-Palatinate is extinct. The scopula nemoraria, was last recorded in 1982 at Langenberg in the Bienwald. Like the scopula caricaria, it needs at least occasionally damp meadows and moors.
Distribution status in Rhineland-Palatinate | extinct |
Remaining deposits | Thuringia, Switzerland, Romania, Austria |
Last sighting in rhineland-palatinate | 1972 Sondernheim |
Habitat | moist meadows, moors, edges of forest |
Endangerment | Draining of moors and wetlands, river straightening, light pollution |
Fortunately, in 2003 a new find of scopula caricaria was made in Thuringia in the Alpenstedter Ried near Erfurt, the largest still preserved limestone fen in Thuringia. This seems to be currently the only stable population in Germany. Outside Germany, the species occurs in cooler, humid areas.
The caterpillar hibernates mainly on flake flowers and mugwort and is therefore dependent on their permanent growth. Here, conflicts with adjacent agricultural use occur more often. Water margins must be sufficiently wide and remain unmown. Like almost all moths, the white silky luster is attracted by light. The butterflies flutter around light sources until they fall to the ground with no strength. Lighting in nature reserves and adjacent areas is a particular danger.
Politically necessary
– Mire restoration and protection of existing bogs
– Financing and securing broad waterfront strips
– Outdoor lighting reduction