Online Veranstaltung “Enhancing the Sustainability of Data Centres – what can the Fit-for-55 Package do?”

EPEE (European Partnership for Energy and the Environment) veranstaltet am Dienstag den 22. Februar um 10:30 Uhr ein Online-Event zum Thema: “Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit von Rechenzentren – was kann das Fit-for-55-Paket leisten?” Die Veranstaltung findet komplett auf Englisch statt.


  • Welcome – ​EPEE Director General Folker Franz
  • Keynote speech – MEP Jutta Paulus
  • Presentation of the SDIA Founder, Max Schulze: Roadmap to Sustainable Digital Infrastructure by 2030: challenges and opportunities of Cooling as a Service
  • Jakob Jul Jensen, Director Digital Infrastructure at Danfoss: Industry solutions for Sustainable Data Centres – waste heat recovery and energy system integration
  • Presentation by Claudia Canevari, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Tour de table + Open Q&A with audience
  • Closing remarks Daan Terpstra (SDIA) and Folker Franz (EPEE)

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